10 differences between Americans and the British
Posted by staff / July 4, 2017
Twas a steamy day in 1776 when American colonists said, “Enough is enough,” and broke away from the motherland.
TopTenz takes a look at how the two cultures diverged in the 200 or so years since the big breakup.
10. British Humor Preferences Are Dry And Indirect, American Humor Is Very Loud And In Your Face
British humor is very much different from American humor, and often goes over the heads of the American audience. This isn’t because Americans aren’t intelligent enough to get the joke, but because Americans are not nearly as used to being subtle with their humor. A good example of British humor is Monty Python, who produced numerous memorable skits and full length comedic movies. The British sense of humor tends to be very sarcastic, often using word play or cleverly insinuating things instead of saying them outright. It tends to be much less direct in general, and often has a rather pessimistic bent…
9. Gun Ownership is a Huge Difference That Greatly Affects the Different Cultures
One of the most common stereotypes about Americans abroad is that we really, really love our guns. Europeans in general, but also our friends across the pond in Great Britain especially, do not understand why we have so many guns all over the place. While it may not be true that everyone owns a gun, and many people really do only carry them for self-defense, it is true that America has one of the highest rates of gun ownership in the world, and we tend to be very big on defending it. You may hear some people advocating for stricter gun control laws, but there are only a tiny portion of people who would actually advocate banning guns entirely. Many people still consider the Constitution practically sacred, and it gives us the right to keep and bear arms. Along with our history of violent revolution, Americans are pretty attached to that right…
Full story at TopTenz.
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