10 little known facts about sloths
Posted by staff / August 22, 2017
Sloths have become the darling of the internet, particularly of the infant variety, yet a few of these lesser known facts could quickly curb your urge to cuddle one of these slow-moving creatures.
TopTenz offers some information even the sloths themselves would probably prefer to be kept on the down-low.
10. Experts have trouble finding sloth penises
Almost every creature on Earth displays at least some degree of sexual dimorphism between the sexes, with the male and female of any species tending to look somewhat different. This isn’t the case for sloths, however, and both male and female sloths look so alike that even seasoned sloth experts often have trouble finding their penises because they’re so small…
9. They can walk off 50 foot drops, very slowly
…Sloths are exceptionally hardy creatures considering their reputation, and can comfortably survive falling from the tops of trees without injury, usually reacting with nothing more than mild surprise that they just took a header at 80 MPH.
Naturally, no sloth post would be complete without video. Enjoy!
Full story at TopTenz.
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