10 old electronics that could be worth a fortune
Posted by staff / May 27, 2016
If you’ve been looking for a reason to go through those boxes clogging the attic, we just found ten great ones.
Turns out, those old electronics that never made it to the trash could be worth money. With any luck, you didn’t give them away with the box of original Star Wars figures.
Original 128k Macintosh
In 1984, Apple released their original Macintosh to great fanfare. For the exorbitant price of $2,495 (over $5,000 in today’s money), the cute all-in-one computer could be yours. Today, you can procure one for less than that, but you’ll still shell out around $1,000 for one in decent working condition — or more. In 2014, one was sold on eBay for $1,598. And here’s a fun bonus fact: all early Macs have the signatures of the Apple team embossed on the inside of the case.
Sony TPS-L2 Walkman (above)
If you were alive in the 1980s, the Sony Walkman was probably a big part of your life. The first model of this groundbreaking technology was the TPS-L2, and it allowed people to play their own personal soundtrack anywhere and anytime; its portability meant that you never had to go anywhere without your favorite tunes. These days, of course, we carry thousands of songs in our pockets, but back then, we had to deal with cassettes. If you’re hoping to go for a more retro sound, working Sony TPS-L2 Walkman models can be found on eBay, but they cost quite a bit. Average asking price is around $350, with some sellers wanting at least $700 for devices in pristine condition.
Full story at Money, Inc. via Neatorama.
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