10 most terrifying creatures of the deep seas
Posted by staff / April 17, 2017
If you really want to ruin a luxurious cruise, look over the side of the ship and picture a few of these puppies waiting for disaster to strike.
Gizmodo opens our eyes to what lurks way beneath the surface of the ocean in this top ten list sure to make an appearance in your next nightmare.
10) Goblin shark (above)
Habitat: The goblin shark has been seen off the coast of Mississippi, Australia, and more, and can live as deep as 1300 meters (4265 feet ).
Lifestyle: Look at this creature’s ugly mug and tell me it’s not out for blood. The goblin shark is clearly a predator, but other than that, we’re pretty much in the dark on its lifestyle. “They’re a species we don’t know much about at all,” Christopher Bird, a PhD Student in deep sea Shark ecology at the University of Southampton, told Gizmodo. “They’ve been found around the globe in rare cases. But the reason they protrude their jaw out in the characteristic fashion is because they’re hunting fast-moving fish and crustaceans in the middle of the water column.”
Spooky fact(s): These bizarre beasts are known for their long, boopable snouts and ferocious nightmare teeth. Their skin is translucent, so that pink you see is actually a direct look at their insides.
Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons
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