10 tips from a Navy SEAL on raising mentally tough kids
Posted by staff / December 18, 2015
We’re hearing all too often that overprotective parenting practices are resulting in kids who lack the resiliency necessary to succeed. While our intentions are good, our techniques could use a tune-up, so it’s time to turn to an expert on tough.
The good news is, there’s no need throw them in the ocean or wilderness to see if they survive. former Navy SEAL Eric Greitens offers these tips to buck up children’s mental toughness, a characteristic guaranteed to come in handy no matter where the future takes them.
1. Set a great example.
Like any self-improvement program, increasing resiliency requires demonstrating a commitment. And if you hope to inspire others, such as your children, it’s doubly important.
“To paraphrase Ralph Waldo Emerson, who you are will speak more loudly to your children than anything you say,” says Greitens. “If they see you always able to pick yourself up when you’ve been knocked down, that’s behavior they’re going to adopt intuitively.”
2. Take responsibility.
Responsibility here means over everything that you can control in your life. There are things you can’t control, sure–but know the difference.
“Teach your children early not to pass the blame or make excuses, but to take responsibility for their actions” says Greitens.
Full story at Inc.
Photo credit: NavySeals.com, Graphics credit: Canva
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