10 ways dogs say “I love you”
Posted by staff / September 13, 2016
Unless you happen to have one of these talented dogs, it takes more than ears to tell if a dog is feeling all the feels for you.
After a long day, see if your pooch is doing one of these things for an instant turnaround.
1. Staring directly into your eyes.
On a 60 Minutes segment, Anderson Cooper met with Brian Hare, a well-known dog expert, to discuss how dogs express love. According to Hare, when your dog looks you in the eye, he is “hugging you with his eyes.”…
2. Yawning when you yawn.
Yawning is contagious. But did you know this impulse isn’t limited to just humans?
Dogs, because they’ve been bred to read humans, also yawn when someone they love yawns.
A study found that when humans echo another’s yawn, it’s because they’re empathetic, like sympathy pains. It’s impossible to measure if dogs are empathetic, but it’s possible that a dog yawning the same time as a human happens because the dog has bonded with that person…
Full story at Little Things.
Watching the video with humerus. Aerosmith Love in the world when it comes to canine companions. The information that followed thereafter is good. Made me smile…