11 apps that will make your day better
Posted by staff / November 30, 2013 appsFinancial PostYahoo Weather
With thousands of apps available at your fingertips, it can be hard to sort through the noise to decide which ones you really want and need.
You can find an app to fulfill almost any purpose, but we wanted to narrow down a list that will help you plan and execute an amazing day.
These apps will make your daily schedule more simple, exciting, and fun.
And so begins the Financial Post’s discussion of their picks for Top 11 apps.
First off is:
If you get a lousy night’s sleep, you’re more likely to have a lousy day.
Set an alarm with Sleepbot and the app will wake you up when you’re sleeping the lightest within a 30 minute window so you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to go. Plus, it can track your movements and record noise (so you’ll know if you, well, screamed in your sleep, or something). [see mysleepbot.com for more info]
If you use Android, The Financial Post raves about the Yahoo Weather app which they say is, “gorgeous” and the screenshots certainly make it out to be so.
The highly-acclaimed Yahoo Weather app is now available on Android, featuring stunning photos that match current weather conditions and an ALL new design with a ton of new features. See the weather like never before. Easily swipe for the most accurate weather forecasts or add a home screen widget for the latest weather information. Wherever you go, the forecast is beautiful. [it can be found at play.google.com]
The article illustrates some apps to help with your commute, your choice of meal and evening’s entertainment and concludes with this:
It’s the end of a great day. Use the Gratitude Journal to bring more positive energy into your life.
Happy Tapper
Writing down things you’re grateful for every day can help you reach goals, improve your relationships, and just generally make you a happier person. Before you crash for the night, write down five cool things you were grateful for with Happy Tapper’s Gratitude Journal for the iPhone or the Secret of Happiness app for Android. [see happytapper.com and for the Android Secret of Happiness app, check out Google’s store at play.google.com]
Full list of apps that will make your day awesome here: Financial Post.
Photo credit: Yael Weiss – Fotolia.com
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