13 far-out interview questions for 2014
Posted by staff / January 27, 2014 interview questionsMashableMax KnoblauchZappos
Remember when you just had to be prepared to answer the question “Provide an example of when you _____ in your last position?”
Long gone are those days if these thirteen questions gathered by Mashable’s Max Knoblauch are anything to go by.
Better start working on those subtle deep-breathing exercises and controlling your panic response.
1. “Are you more of a hunter or a gatherer?” – Dell
2. “What is your least favorite thing about humanity?” – ZocDoc
3. “If you could throw a parade of any caliber through the Zappos office, what type of parade would it be?” – Zappos
Full story at Mashable.
Photo credit: Fotolia
Massive problem with hiring practises at “regular jobs” today. There are not interviews for #NEED (of an organization) – there are “Pattern Matching” quizzes – which is tantamount to discrimination metrics: artificial selection in action. Is this the way the West wants to go?