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15 antique items that might be worth big money

Posted by / October 19, 2012


The state of grandma’s basement may make you want to grab a Zippo and call it a day, but before you go sweeping through a major cleanup tossing everything into trash bags, it might be well worth your while to check out this list of antiques provided by Shana Ecker at Huffington Post before taking it to the curb.

And you thought you weren’t getting a dime…

1. Vintage Costume Jewelry

Old costume jewelry is of interest to vintage clothing stores, and every once in a while an appraiser will find that a piece is actually worth a lot.

2. Signed Letters

If you happen to be lucky enough to have a hand-signed letter from a notable figure, it may be worth a fortune!

3. Leather-Bound Books

Although antique paperbacks are usually not of value, leather-bound editions may be worth more than you think.

Full story at Huffington Post.

Know your antiques.

Photo credit: Fotolia

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  • Debby

    I have a 1800’s woven suitcase in excellent condition. Wondering what they go for