15 martini recipes – mmm – vote for your fave
Posted by staff / March 15, 2013 Dutch MartiniMartinimartini recipesnatural formnatural recipe
What Aristotle said of Greek tragedy in the Poetics is also true of the Martini. “Having passed through many changes, it found its natural form; and there it stopped.” …. I am not arguing that there is a natural recipe for the Martini, a natural proportion of gin to vermouth. I am arguing that there is a natural form, which comprises the essential qualities of the Martini… Its pleasure, which is not voluptuous but astringent, can only be expressed by oxymoron: sensuous coldness, opulent dryness, mysterious clarity, alluring purity.
—Lowell Edmunds, Martini, Straight Up: The Classic American Cocktail (Quoted by Troy Patterson, Slate)
Here are 15 representative of the ilk:
- The Contemporary Standard
- The Dutch Martini
- It’s the Vermouth, Stupid
- The Nick & Nora
- The Martini de Luxe
- The Fitty Fitty
- The Bernard deVoto
- The Instant Martini
- The Mild-Mannered MFK Fisher
- The IBA Official Recipe
- The Hoffmann House
- The Critic’s Choice
- The Astoria Cocktail
- The Creative Commons
- The Grey Lady
About the only thing they have in common is gin…of one type or another.
For the recipes, more martini facts and to vote on your favourite go to: Slate.
Photo credit: Juri Samsonov – Fotolia.com
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