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15 unusual uses for apples

Posted by / May 26, 2013

Fresh apples

Hate it when that bag of apples you bought with the best of intentions goes to waste?

Maybe you need to think beyond a healthy snack to one of the fifteen other ways Care2’s  found for using this favorite fruit, from stopping a migraine to making stamps.

1. Improve Lung Health. Apples contain several phytochemcials that are thought to promote lung health. Studies have shown that apples help people suffering from allergies and asthma!

2. Treat Your Skin Right. Apples are a great way to give your skin that glow it deserves. Click here for a great recipe.

3. Boost Your Workout. Squeeze an apple between your thighs the next time you’re doing crunches to add extra challenge to your workout routine.

4. Get Rid of a Migrane. Take a whiff of a green apple the next time you feel a migrane coming on. Studies have shown that the smell of green apples helps ease the pain and shorten the time they last.

Full story at Care2.

No need to waste food.

Photo credit: Fotolia

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