16 great cooking tips
Posted by staff / June 24, 2013 Care2cooking tipsKatie Waldeck
For those of us who failed to take notes while Granny was whipping up a meal (or who did and now need to learn how to cook like normal people), Care2’s Katie Waldeck has sixteen cooking tips to make sure every meal’s a winner (unless you got a bum recipe, and while the chuck might stop in your kitchen, feel free to pass the buck so long as they’re not at the dinner table).
1. Carefully study a recipe before you start to cook. Sure, cooking is intuitive, but if you’re not clear on a certain concept, or don’t have a tool the recipe calls for, you’re setting yourself up for problems down the road.
2. Mise en place. This is so, so important. Mise en place is the art (and it is an art!) of having everything ready before you start cooking. Chop up all of those vegetables before turning on the burner. Grate the cheese before the oven goes on. Have that butter set out at room temperature all ready to go. If there’s any one thing you can do to make your food shine, having everything ready in advance is it. That way, food isn’t burning on the stovetop because you’re too busy prepping ingredients.
3. Knives. They’re key! Always use a sharp knife. Know how to properly hold a knife, and know the best way to use it. Using knives properly is an essential cooking skill, and an essential keeping all of your fingers skill, too. This video has great tips.
Full story at Care2.
Photo credit: Fotolia
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