18 surprising facts about fast food
Posted by Josh Taylor / February 17, 2014 fast foodJesse G. KirbyJonathan Swift
Fast food isn’t as simple as it seems. As it turns out, it has a bit of a long history. These eighteen facts may not convince you to go get a cheeseburger, but they are at least interesting. For example,
Oysters were fast food once. Yep, oysters.
Street food carts appeared in New York City between the 1700s and 1800s selling oysters from the Hudson River’s 350 miles of oyster bays. Jonathan Swift once said, “It was a brave man who first ate an oyster.” Well, that guy’s discovery essentially fed New York City on-the-go for decades.
Drive-Ins preceded drive-thrus and were a HUGE thing.
In 1921, Jesse G. Kirby and Rueben W. Jackson opened the Pig Stand in Dallas, TX, America’s first drive-in, and changes fast food forever. Kirby has been quoted saying, “People with cars are so lazy,” Kirby explained, “they don’t want to get out of them.” Still true.
Full story at Buzzfeed.
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