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20 great DIY condiment recipes

Posted by / February 27, 2014

For most of us, condiments come in a bottle and live in the refrigerator for some unspecified number of years before the color changes so much we realize it’s probably time to let go or an unbreakable crust forms around the top.

The thing is, thanks to our decidedly buy-everything culture, many of us never realized how easy it was to whip up our own condiments with other common ingredients in the house.

Well, no more excuses you’re out of mayo with this excellent list of DIY condiments courtesy of Buzzfeed’s Mathew Guiver.

1. Basic homemade mayonnaise

It’s crazy easy to make mayonnaise, just eggs, oil, vinegar and seasoning. Recipe here.

2. Roasted tomato taco sauce

Tomatoes, peppers, and chives seasoned with garlic, cumin, and chili powder. Recipe here.

3. Easy ketchup

A little tomato paste, vinegar, brown sugar, and seasonings is all you need! Recipe here.

4. Raw indian spiced mustard

Soak yellow mustard seeds in water for a few days, then blend them with spices and a few other ingredients. Recipe here.

Full story at Buzzfeed.

Satisfying all your recipe needs.

Photo credit: Fotolia

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