The 3-minute yoga routine you can do at your desk
Posted by staff / August 10, 2016
Not everyone has the leisure to get up and take a walk or catch a quick class at lunch time, but there is a way of relieving the stress of sitting all day: desk yoga.
Each of these six positions takes only thirty seconds to do, and Stephanie Lee of Lifehacker offers further explanations of each position to make sure you’re getting the most out of this routine.
If anyone thinks it’s odd your hand is reaching over the cubicle wall, just wave and smile.
- Body fold: This is similar to the seated forward bend, except you’re sitting in your chair. Bend slightly at the hips, not at your waist. Your aim is to avoid simply hunching over, and try reaching your shoulders forward.
- Stretch up: Reach both hands up toward the ceiling and feel the stretch in your abs, back, and arms.
Full story at DAREBEE via Lifehacker.
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