4 non-monetary benefits of your job that you haven’t considered
Posted by Josh Taylor / April 12, 2014 job
We tend to think about our jobs and our benefits in very materialistic ways. I know, I know, you think I’m a moron. “We work because we need money and other material benefits,” Josh. But hear me out. If you broaden your understand of the benefits you get from your job, you might just get more satisfaction out of it. Here’s an example. Besides money and insurance and the occasional company party, your job gives non-material opportunities you wouldn’t otherwise get, like making new friends. Sound trivial? Imagine your life before graduating college. You were surrounded by people your age, with your interests. It was super easy to make friends. Now that you’re out of college, though, you don’t have much opportunity for that. Except at work.
Not convinced? See the rest of the article, it might convince you that keeping your mind sharp and giving you valuable experience is worthwhile.
Full story at Cracked.
Photo credit: Fotolia
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