4 ways to make your work more challenging
Posted by Josh Taylor / March 12, 2014
Work is more fun when it’s challenging. But what does challenging mean? There are different types of challenge, for example:
Temporally: You already know that time flies when you’re having fun, but the same can be said for being challenged at work. When you’re devoting yourself to worthy work, the workday goes by quickly.
Intellectually: “Boredom” is no longer part of your vocabulary. Your day-to-day tasks stimulate you on an intellectual level, and few things seem tedious or mundane.
If you’re work isn’t challenging, here are some ways to make your job more challenging:
Check in. Schedule regular meetings with your manager to discuss your job. In many cases, management is unaware of issues until you bring them to their attention. During your check-in, ask for additional work, more responsibilities, or to be considered for a new role within the company.
Expand your skill set. Make yourself available to take on work from colleagues in other divisions. You could even suggest instituting a job rotation program. Here at AlphaSights, we rotate people through cross-divisional teams, helping them develop new skill sets.
Full story at Dumb Little Man.
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