50 most heart-wrenching movies of all time
Posted by staff / November 7, 2013 Forrest Gumpheart-wrenchingmovies
Movie fan? Here’s a list of the 50 most heart-wrenching films.
The award for the most heart-wrenching film goes to It’s a Wonderful Life. Last but not least is, Forrest Gump. And there’s Elephant Man and Toy Story 3 and so much more in between. Each film has a description and a video clip. Here’s what they say about 7th place:
12 Years a Slave
Maybe it’s just fresh in my mind, but it’s hard to recall the last time a movie got to my soul like this one did, with several scenes that are just plain overwhelming: the above, in which Eliza, separated from her children, insists that our protagonist “let me weep” for them; the wrecking scene in which Patsey is beaten without mercy; and the closing passages, which takes the full measure of years simply lost.
For the entire list, see here: Flavor Wire.
Photo credit: Jason Stitt – Fotolia.com
[…] Movie fan? Here’s a list of the 50 most heart-wrenching films. The award for the most heart-wrenching film goes to It’s a Wonderful Life. Last but not least is, Forrest Gump. And there’s Elephant Man and Toy Story 3 and so much more in between. […]