50 strange and horrible nativity sets
Posted by staff / December 3, 2013

“Whoooo is the son of God? Whooooo?”
One of the funniest memories from my high school days was my mom calling from work one night, asking in a seemingly innocent way if she could talk to my dad. When I told her he wasn’t home, her attitude did an abrupt 180 as she yelled “I told him not to buy that $%&!@ glow-in-the-dark nativity set.” (Even more funny since she was working as a children’s librarian at the time.)
Sure enough, Dad came home with the whole manger, and my siblings and I spent the rest of the night trying to get Mary to look like a woman by giving her a nail polish makeover and wondering why they put Joseph in a pink robe.
Everyone in town knew which house was ours from that point on.
Looking down on Earth from that lofty seat in the heavens, the Good Lord has to be wondering why he didn’t put some clear cut rules in the Bible about these things because, as this post from whyismarko clearly shows, divine influence isn’t getting the job done.

“the irish nativity, where the 3 irish wise guys have clover, gold and guinness”

“the shotgun shell nativity”
Full story at whyismarko.
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