6 Guinness cocktails for toasting St. Paddy
Posted by staff / March 13, 2013 Black VelvetGuinnessOne Martini
If green beer isn’t your staple on St. Patrick’s Day, then Guinness is the way to go, yet if a pint of stout isn’t your idea of a celebration, feel free to get your mix on with these six cocktails from One Martini at a Time and Guinness itself.
Not only is everybody a little Irish on St. Paddy’s Day, everybody needs a little Guinness to prove it.
Black Velvet Cocktail
Guinness (or other stout)
Fill a champagne flute halfway with chilled Guinness. Top with chilled Champagne.
According to Guinness:
This famous drink was invented in 1861 at Brook’s Club in London. Prince Albert had died, everyone was in mourning, and the story goes that the steward at the club, overcome with the emotion of the occasion, ordered that even the champagne should be put into mourning, and proceeded to mix it with GUINNESS®. The taste was so delicious, Black Velvet became extremely popular.
1 Measure of Port (35ml)
1 can of GUINNESS® DraughtBelieved to originate from the Royal Flying Corps. It seems that after dinner, some of the officers took to drinking GUINNESS® instead of port.
The GUINNESS® decanter was passed anti-clockwise round the table, while the port as usual, was passed round clockwise. Once, the two decanters happened to meet at the head of the table (GUINNESS® at twelve o’clock!) The officer in that position absent-mindedly poured both drinks into his glass, and found the result quite enjoyable.
Full story at One Martini at a Time and Guinness.
Photo credit: Fotolia
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