60 things that a 60-year-old woman would want a 30-year-old woman to know
Posted by staff / February 3, 2014 Huffington PostMargaret Manningyounger women
Margaret Manning is an author, speaker, and founder of Sixtyandme.com. Huffington Post quotes a recent article of hers called “60 Things Older Women Want Younger Women To Know.”
She writes:
I remember the day I resigned from my corporate job and transitioned to the life of an entrepreneur. My passion was to focus full time on building Sixty and Me, a community for women over 60. I wanted to reinvent my life and find a more flexible work style. When I told my younger female colleagues what I was planning to do as a 60-year-old woman, they were amazed. One woman said that my passion and willingness to take risks made her question the many stereotypes about older women.
Truthfully, it surprised me that these 30-year-old women were so anxious about getting older. The more I thought about it, the more I wished that I’d had older women in my life when I was 30. If I had, I might have developed a more balanced perspective on aging much earlier.
I’m lucky to have a woman in my life, a second mom, or maybe more like an aunt, who gives me Life Advice (today’s morsel: carpe diem, seize the day – a family member of hers had just dropped dead at 50). So, what does Manning offer as her 60 points? Here are a few that resonated with me:
- Remember you only have one life — this is not a dress rehearsal
- Remember that life can change in an instant
- Get outdoors and enjoy nature!
- Virginia Wolff was right — a woman needs a room of her own and $500
- Don’t waste money on shoes — men are not looking at your feet
- Get out of a bad relationship fast — you can’t change another person
- If you have children, love them, but, don’t try to be a perfect mother
- Many struggles actually become easier with age
- Don’t be afraid. When you get there you will be ok. Life and nature prepare you for each phase of life
Full story: Huffington Post.
Photo credit: nastia1983 – Fotolia.com
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