7 signs of unhappy employees
Posted by staff / December 5, 2016
Not every employee has the nerve to stand up to the boss and say “We’re miserable,” but a company owner who knows the signs can stem the tide of damage before the problem gets out of hand.
Content employees means a more productive work place. Founder and CEO of AudienceBloom, Jayson Demers explains how employees show work is not their happy place.
1. Reaching for only the minimum
If you want to succeed as a business, you need to exceed expectations — not just meet them — and your employees should strive for that mentality as well. If you notice them starting to meet only the bare minimum goals, that could be a sign that they no longer care about their work…
2. Clock-watching
No matter how cool your job is, almost everyone gets excited for lunch breaks and quitting time at the end of the day. That’s not a problem, nor is it a sign of employee unhappiness. Instead, the sign of unhappiness to watch for here is “clock-watching,” or obsessing over the time in a bid to get done with work as soon as possible.
When employees start counting down the minutes at 3 p.m., that’s a sign they’re unhappy with their work.
Full story at Entrepreneur.
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