7 things you can’t say in Canada
Posted by staff / August 1, 2013 CanadaCanada Margaret WenteMargaret Atwood
Margaret Wente is what Canadians call “a controversial author”. She tells it how she sees it. Reader’s Digest has put together a list of things that Wente says you cannot say in Canada and as a Canadian, they really are pretty funny. Well, not all of them…
Here are a few:
Margaret Atwood Writes Some Awful Books
The queen of CanLit bestrides the literary world like a colossus. Nobody has won more awards than she has, and nobody is more feared. There is no such thing as a bad review of a Margaret Atwood book in Canada. That’s too bad, because many of her books are tedious and unreadable, full of tortuous plots and unpleasant characters. Why will no one say so? Because we’re grateful that she’s put us on the global map. And because if they do, they’ll never work in this country again.
And another:
The United States is the World’s Greatest Force for Good
Of all the shocking things you can say around the dinner table, this is the most shocking one. After all, America-bashing is part of our national identity.At best, we see our neighbour as a well-intentioned but arrogant and blundering bully that throws its weight around too much. At worst, we see our neighbour as one of the most evil nations in the world. And yet, right now, hundreds of millions of people in India and China and other desperately poor parts of the world are being liberated from millennia of suffering and serfdom. Why? Because of the United States, which has spread its idea of economic freedom—and its purchasing power—around the world.
For the others, see here: Reader’s Digest.
Photo credit: Barbara Helgason – Fotolia.com
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