8 characteristics of a killer handshake
Posted by staff / August 27, 2016
You might be 4’10” in heels, but if you can deliver a killer handshake, you raise yourself in the estimation of everyone you meet.
Research has shown strong handshakes make a likewise first impression, according to Joel Comm at Inc.:
…[A] “firm handshake” corresponded to personality traits that included extroversion and “openness to new experiences” while those with a weak handshake were more likely to show higher levels of shyness and anxiety on their psychological reports. Women generally had weaker handshakes than men, but women who shook hands firmly were rated positively. Even among women, a strong handshake suggests a strong personality.
So what does this look like in practice?
Completeness of grip
Eye contact
Hey, if you’re going in, go all in.
Full story at Inc.
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