8 healthy aspects of having a good cry
Posted by staff / July 21, 2015
Letting the waterworks loose is an uphill battle for those who’ve learned that crying is a bad thing to do.
Well, grab the tissues and get ready to weep when the need arises because it can do a body (and soul) good.
We’ll be right here, virtually patting your back and telling you everything’s going to be okay.
1. You release toxins
You don’t only cry when you’re sad. Crying is also your body’s response to too much stress. When you cry, you rid your body of cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone associated with stress that can potentially cause damage to your health if if your levels become unbalanced. Chronically high levels of the hormone can cause a variety of issues such as: sleep problems, a lowered immune response, and abdominal weight gain.
2. You kill bacteria
Your tears wash bacteria away from your eyes. This is due to your tears contain lysozyme, which is a hormone found in human milk and saliva. When you cry, lysozyme is released, killing over 90% of bacteria in its path. So not only does crying release toxins from your body, it also kills other toxins lurking on the body’s surface.
Full story at Lifehack.
Graphics credit: Canva
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