8 problems that could indicate an anxiety issue
Posted by staff / May 16, 2017
As society becomes more aware of mental health issues like anxiety, so, too, do more treatments become available.
That being said, it isn’t always easy to see a connection between common problems and a treatable disorder.
Mental Floss explores eight issues that could mean it’s time to seek help and get relief.
If gas, bloating, constipation, cramps, and/or diarrhea are a regular part of your life, you may have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which is extremely commonin people with anxiety disorders. Stress and worry can exacerbate IBS symptoms, which, in turn, can make life a lot more stressful.
The day is done and it’s time to hit the sack, but your body is just not cooperating. Your mind is racing, turning over a million little things or the same thing over and over, and your heart is pounding. As with IBS, anxiety can worsen insomnia, and the resulting sleep deprivation can make anxiety worse.
Full story at Mental Floss.
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