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8 steps to finding a fulfilling career

Posted by / April 7, 2014

We’ve all had that job where how many paper clips we could land in the potted plant was the most exciting thing we did all day, and the most terrifying was thinking “Is this it?”

Whether you count yourself as the introspective type of not, though, these eight tips from Gloria Pitagorsky, the managing director of Heard City, are worth a try to make those years until retirement fly by…if you ever want to retire at all.

1. Write down who you are

What do you like to do after work hours or on the weekends? Write down all of your personality traits or interests — you might surprise yourself with what you find. Whether it’s a baby step or a huge leap, every day you should challenge yourself to embark on something that plays to your passions; you never know when you might stumble upon a career path (or a side project that ultimately turns into a full-time gig) that aligns with them.

Remember the old saying, “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have?” The same rings true for how you conduct yourself every day: You need to embody the person that you want to be in order to become her.

2. Say goodbye to your comfort zone

After a certain amount of time in a specific city, industry or job title, it can be easy to start feeling “stuck.” Let go of behaviors that keep you feeling this way and try new things, no matter how different (or intimidating) they might be. Take a risk: Try a class, go to a networking happy hour or attend a conference or event. You might learn something new about yourself, professionally or personally.

3. Be extremely selective with your time.

Don’t overbook — you can’t be everywhere 24/7. Time is precious, so try to be as selective as possible with the activities that you choose to pursue, and make sure they’re really worth the investment. On a related note, don’t underestimate the importance of down time or “me” time. Allotting time in your schedule for self-reflection is healthy.

Full story at Mashable.

Finding your dream job.

Photo credit: Fotolia



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  • Michael P. Whelan

    Kate Rinsema, Thank You for a very informative post.