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No-contract mobile: pros and cons

Posted by / April 5, 2013

Smart phone cartoon

From a CNET contributor, a customer of Page Plus Cellular (a company that resells Verizon’s data/talk-time network) here are some pros and cons she’s discovered going contract-less.

-can quit any time, no penalties;
-can change phones any time;
-can change plans any time;
-can change providers any time;
-author pays $50/month all-in for 1200 minutes voice / 3000 texts voice and data including for iPad.

-initial cost of phone (ie not subsidized);
-no 4G. Right now, Page Plus only offers 3G service;
-likely limited access to the latest and greatest phones (you may be able to buy them at full price yet they may not have access to the top services).

Read more: CNET.

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Photo credit: Yael Weiss –

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