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Halley’s Comet meteor shower peaks tonight

Posted by / May 5, 2013

Falling star

Looking for the perfect ending to this weekend?

Kick off this week with an out-of-this-world experience gazing upon the peak of the Eta Aquarid meteor shower, the remnants of Halley’s Comet.

“This year the peak will occur on the night of May 5 about 9 p.m. EDT with meteor rates of about 30-40 meteors per hour near peak. Eta rates will also be good on the evening of May 4,” NASA officials said in a statement. “The Etas contain quite a few fireballs. Ideal viewing conditions are clear skies away from city lights, especially just before dawn.”

If it’s cloudy where you are, though, you can also catch all the action online at

Happy viewing!

Full story at via Mashable.

Raise your eyes to the skies.

Photo credit: Fotolia

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