Got to love these Chinese DIY projects
Posted by staff / May 29, 2013
Thirty-nine pictures of DIY projects in China. These projects range from submarines to welder’s masks.
Photo credit: Reuters/Reinhard Krause
Thirty-nine pictures of DIY projects in China. These projects range from submarines to welder’s masks.
Photo credit: Reuters/Reinhard Krause
The Chinese sure do love their dildos.
Its a smoker. Really.
Coke boat. It'll arrive unseen in Florida soon.
dynamite fishing?
Nos let's see it work +Guy Kawasaki
#3 would be a good way for kids to wear themselves out and ensure a good nap.
By experiment you can success
Do not try this at home.
I thought it was a whale inseminator
The long tube reminds me of the CSS Hunley.
made of gasoline drums.. looks like ^^
I like the robot and cart project. It's eco friendly at least!
I like the robot and cart project. It's eco friendly at least!
the inventor is in countryside
Bring that to the disputed island.
+Chuanshuo Bainhuang, the moss and green grass imply a moist and temperate region. Likely lakes and rivers nearby. Not a big city, perhaps, but not a waterless part of Asia, either.
Scary though still. Too much like a coffin. Why so freaking long? Stability?. What is in all those barrels? Somehow, I don't imagine scuba tanks in there.
My experience with Chinese ingenuity is that it works. Perhaps not safely, but probably works well. Maybe used for fishing.
I once watched some men with a boat loaded with 12 volt batteries and a bunch of power transistors and two electrical probes on bamboo poles. They would slide up near the shore and hit the switch, then gather the fish that float tot the surface. Chinese ingenuity. Hey, it feeds the family!
nice solar-powered car.. laughing
Very nice , soon to be a Tomb at the bottom of the sea.
Be cool to make it remote control though.
Really, a home made helicopter? More like a fancy suicide attempt, the Noah's ark is a novel concept though.
Creativity and innovation. Human characteristics that shine regardless of circumstances.