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Fantasy hybrid animals that we wish existed

Posted by / June 4, 2013

Spider Shark

See more examples at Wired.

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  • scariest creature ever

  • Fantasy hybrid animals that we ARE THRILLED NEVER  existed!

  • Uhm…. A shark with legs?! No thanks, id like to keep breathing…. And thanks for the nightmare material, I was running out, zombies aren't scary anymore.

  • I do not wish for this to exist, Guy. But thats just me. ;P

  • I kind of like the shark with legs. I think it would slow him down some, and we would probably hear him coming!

  • actually spit out my coffee reading +Priscilla Thomas ' comment

  • Another magnificent creature we in the midwest would miss out on. Damn.

  • Nope. Nope nope nope.

  • It needs a scorpion tail.

  • Actually, I can't tell if that thing is six inches long or ten feet long.

  • Absolutely not!!

  • I said NO yesterday, I say NO today.  If I can't squish it with a shoe, it may not have 8 legs.  My rules, I make 'em up.

  • +Murphy Jacobs I like your rules.

  • Terminators scary

  • Sharktopus (horrible movie)

  • Haha. Look at Ricky Gervais Flannels too

  • The staff for nightmares

  • Lasse, that was good!  I would rather not have certain fantasies realized.

  • Cheetah + Shark + Snake = Fastest Killing Machine With A Cunning Mind

  • Spider Shark!

  • It's a Spark.

  • What about a shark-scorpion combo instead..?

  • +Tom Willis u r totaly right, shark-scorpion combo would fit better ;)))

  • What a creature

  • Thanks alot buddy I didn't needed to sleep tonight….

  • Who would wish that existed! "Just when you thought it was safe to stay out of the water!"

  • U

  • U

  • Called Crabshark  🙂

  • that was awesome!

  • I would prefer a shark with crab legs, yum!

  • I’m surprised at the folks saying, “that’s awesome.” I look at that and I’m terrified!

  • Extremely strange creature

  • Hmm, ifit really exist, where it will live, land orsea?

  • "Hello?"

  • Nice picture

  • Wow looks boss