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Ohio cops ticket kids…with ice-cream coupons

Posted by / June 6, 2013

Mixed ice cream

Police in Ohio are on a blitz this summer to slap as many children as possible with tickets in an effort to keep local roads safe.

But unlike adults who dread the thought of traffic tickets, kids under 12 are setting out on their bicycles in hopes of scoring one.

You see, every ticket issued as part of the Brimfield Police Department’s “Safe Summer” operation can be exchanged for a free ice cream cone at a local drive-in — and the only way to get one is to be spotted by a police officer wearing a helmet while biking.

Cops there will have a quote – and will be profiling, says the Chief, tongue firmly planted in cheek.

More on the yummy story here: CBC.

More stories about kids.

Photo credit: m.u.ozmen –

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