8 Eastern European cities to visit off the beaten path
Posted by staff / June 23, 2013 central and eastern EuropeEastern European citiesPoznan UniversityRob Crossan
If you’ve always dreamed of seeing central and eastern Europe but don’t want to deal with the crowds in Prague or Budapest, CNN‘s Rob Crossan has eight great suggestions for destinations that provide everything from wonderful regional cuisine to uncrowded beaches to tourist photos your friends and family haven’t already taken a million times.
Poznan, Poland
Best for: Food scene
Noisy and invigorating, Poznan is fast gaining a reputation as the best city in Poland to sample the nation’s famously robust cuisine…
When you’re not eating: The strange-looking monument covered in numbers in front of Zamek Castle is dedicated to the team of Poznan University graduates who cracked the Enigma code during World War II.
Odessa, Ukraine
Best for: Hedonism
With its reputation as the party capital of the former Soviet Union, the Black Sea port of Odessa is nonetheless surprisingly little known to Westerners…
And to replenish the brain cells: The Pushkin Literary Museum (13 Pushkinskaya St.; +380 25 10 34) commemorates the great writer’s time in the city, which inspired him to write one of his best known poems, “The Bakhchisarai Fountain.”
Full story at CNN Travel.
Photo credit: Jialiang Gao/Wikimedia Commons
Great to read about Poznan! It’s also the city where Poland was born, you can visit 1st Cathedral on Polish soil and and the Old Sqare not only eat lovely food but also taste hughe variety of local beers (and sweets) from our region!
I warmly invite you to Poznań!