The nit-picky guide to dinner etiquette [comic]
Posted by staff / June 28, 2013 bread platecharming illustrationsdinner etiquettesalt and pepper
And you were so proud of yourself for keeping your elbows off the table…
Turns out, most of us have probably been eating dinner wrong this whole time and never even realized it.
Fortunately, Cup of Jo is here to help with charming illustrations by Gemma Correll.
Passing the salt and pepper (above)
Surprisingly, salt and pepper should be passed together, even if someone only asks for one. They’re considered “married”!
Place settings
Your wine and water glasses are to the RIGHT of your plate. Your bread plate is to the LEFT of your plate. If you remember that, you’ll never drink someone’s water or eat their bread again! (A genius tip from readers: To remember the order of the placesetting, think “BMW” — for bread, then meal, then water.)
Thank you for the tip. I love the BMW acronym. Wish I knew about it years ago.
Take the salt and pepper off the table before the dessert course.
Use your left and right hands to make the letter “b” in your left and the letter “d” in your right and hold them out in front of you.
B is for BREAD and D is for DRINK.
This is how to teach kids the right way.