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36 photos about 127 years of Statue of Liberty history

Posted by / July 5, 2013

Great photos that show the history of the great lady.

Photo credit: Library of Congress

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  • Liberty

  • 独立日?

  • 33

  • Beautiful!

  • My beautiful city!

  • may be some day

  • Coming To America
    We were all immigrants at some time.

  • Sadly, She was once the sign of hope and freedom and opportunity, for those that entered thru the front door and followed the rules, worked hard and respected the opportunity ..THEY EARNED IT
    Now we have politicians buying votes by giving it away to liars, cheats and thieves,  who want something for nothing and cry "RACISM" if they do not get it!  
    Seal the Borders, check every one here on all those visa's, criminalize and fine the employers who hire them, and fix the mess before you let anymore rush the gate!

  • Law-abiding people who look for a better life and believe in American ideals should feel welcomed. All humans are created equal.


  • i can just imagine the questions. Daddy, what happened to her. it looks like her over there, but they say Liberty is leaving America. where will she go, & what will people after she's gone?

  • Good job +Michael Lonon

    The Statue of Liberty's "meaning "would be "inspired" by Greek classical ideals of freedom and democracy–she is the goddess Liberty. But the" inspiration for a statue in the first place" is said to have sprung from the two countries' friendship, the upcoming centenial of the US, and the struggle for survival of the democratic experiment on both continents.

  • With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

  • that some how failed, for many that wanted just that inspiration and freedom

  • Yes, we were all imigrants at one point in time. So tell me again, Who was here already?

  • The Indians were the first people to live in America. More than half the states have Indian names as well as mountsins, rivers, cities and towns.

  • Aww…

  • Very nice! +Guy Kawasaki

  • What happen to the native of AMERICA ?

  • That is really cool!!!

  • I love this country and the freedoms we have.

  • Hey its quite awesome! !

  • I don't love this country, but I do love this earth.

  • United States of America in one word…? "Freedom"

  • I feel like touching it

  • Tom, those are words inscribed on a statue. They are not words written in the constitution. My grandparents came through ellis island and were checked for diseases and criminal histories. The safty of the American public was the presidents number one concern, not the admiration of foreign countries. And to make the Americans even less receptive to new citizens, the people comming in these days insist on living their culture here. I was fired from my state job for trying to hand a muslim a report. I as an unbeliever was to put it down and step back so as not to make him hold the same paper as the scum American. Sometimes haters hate a situation for its insanity, not necessarily for the people that are being asskissed for their vote.
    Just my opinion.

  • All this-and perhaps.

  • hiiii

  • I shared on Gipom

  • i never went there, but we are all inspire all over……

  • .

  • hello my all firend

  • U

  • ++

  • The dawn of a new beginning for so many.

  • amazing photo! I love it. . .

  • amazing photo! I love it. . .

  • Amazing

  • Enjoyed those, great post.

  • Hey Miguel. If you currently live here, you should think about leaving. Maybe walk the earth on outta here.

  • Hey Miguel. If you currently live here, you should think about leaving. Maybe walk the earth on outta here.