Behold the sink urinal. Pee and wash at the same place
Posted by staff / July 10, 2013 European countriesKaspar Jursons
The design, called Stand, is already in use in several European countries.
The concept is to use the water that you’re washing your hands with to also flush down the pee.
Photo credit: Ingus Bajars/Courtesy of Kaspar Jursons
also, no.
Just too weird!
Why not just cut out the water and pee on your hands? lol
I kidd … I kidd
This is not new. I've seen and used these urinals in Asia over 10 years.
Scratching my head trying to figure out how I'm gonna be able to hoist myself up there.
What a dilemma.
I'm just not comfortable with this at all. Relies to much on the good aim and good will of others to ensure that the sink part stays clean & sanitary.
Bet no one will use the pink one!
Saved money on piping
Because what the world needs of more people peeing in sinks.
Let's just hope the guys don't miss the right place as always ;')
+Nathan Dunn do you rub your hands all over the bowl of the sink when you use it?
What if I only want to wash my hands? Now I am being pressured into peeing just to conserve water?? #biggovermentgonebad
Dammit! I knew I should have done it when I had the idea!
Lol What You talkin?
Make sure you don't pee in the sink before washing your hands 😉
+Carole Rigonalli
What gave you the idea these were for men? 😉
pretty great/gross that there are no soap dispensers in the photo. not that most men would use soap. (not sexist… lots of women wouldn't use soap either)
as long as there is no no 2 option..
Hygienically unsound.
Talent is being able to do both at the same time.
I think its a great idea if a soap dispenser is added. This would be especially good in hospital settings. One of the main reasons hospital acquired infections are rampant is because doctors, nurses and other hospital staff don't wash their hands. This idea would help get across to everyone to wash their hands more frequently since the hands are the filthiest part of the body.
That sounds horrible. Lol
I always thought this would be a good idea to wash your hands before touching them on your clothes where the germs stay the rest of the day.
Thats right!
I do all those things while doing those things.
My can and string will need to be super sanitized now.
+Nathan Dunn Good Aim!? I'm not sure how your equipment is running, but missing that shot requires intent.
I think this is a great idea. Anything that could get on this sink, could also get on a sink across the room. So why not re-use the hand wash water.
Come to think of it, I suppose you could reclaim the hand washing water from a sink in a more traditional setup too!
Since I'm a guy, kind of like the blue one…
This is just wrong!
Japan has been doing this for a while.. Not exactly the same, but pretty similar..
how on earth will women use these?
Finally +Matthew Henry
Someone asked the same question as meeee!
That's not too hygenic given that most males have horrible aim.
Yeah, I can see this getting into an infinite loop really fast.
There shall be a sensor: when you aim wrong, you get a blast of electricity….. Yeah.
If I only have to wash my hands, you mean to tell me that I have to wash them where someone else peed? Nope. Not gonna happen. I will douse myself in Lysol and hand sanitizer first.
Where's the dongle dispenser (female to male part adapter) for women users?
I think the sink should be higher and the urinal lower, just to make sure folks know which is which! Wish I'd thought of this one.
Maybe a label or picture would be a good idea. Or redesign it. 🙂
good idea cause I have a bad back.
Oh and paint a few flowers on some of them, too. wink
considering the pigs that use public restrooms, i think this is a bad idea for obvious reasons.
While this is more "efficient" water use wise and material wise, it is not clean. Have you seen public restrooms. Thank God the sinks are far away from backed up urinals and toilets. Just have the plumbing routed correctly so that the excess sink drain runs to the toilets as auxiliary water supply to flush and keep it separated.
Sir, if people get the two confused… Then we should be considering potty education class and licensing for everyone before they can use the rest room. Kinda like the graduated licensing system we use for motor vehicles.
Your right +David Pederson … sorry but you know that's not my fault… I'm blonde. ..
I just assumed that it is for man I done even know why 😉 lol
That's a male bidet!! 😀
They should have that in public toilets lok
This is just weird.
Cue three shells jokes in 3… 2… 1…
probably not … the question is, how long will anyone let it accumulate before they figure it out.
+Guy Kawasaki Best suggestive selling ever.
So if you decide to play swords with your buds, is there room for both to wash? Or need to use separate uriniks.
But… men don't wash after pee pee.
Love it!
That's sssssoooooo sick!! -_-
I think this concept can be adapted to include women, but they should be the one's to design it. Studies have shown that patients are contracting hospital acquired infections such as MRSA (methacillin resistant staph aureus) primarily because hospital staff are not washing their hands enough. This isn't a hypothesis. This is a fact. Anything that would get people to wash their hands more often with soap and water in any situation would reduce infections by about 75%.
Loose coupling is your friend: in code and in urinals. A failure in the subsystem will most likely cause an exception above.
In other words, I fear many will fail to get this right…at my expense.
Waterless urinal is a better solution.
Using grey-water to make blackwater. Better for the environment.
Urinals are a perfect opportunity for disruption technology. I am glad to see this. I love the colors as well.
I'm honestly surprised how many people haven't seen toilet-top sinks before, and likewise how many people think the traditional sinks in public bathrooms are so much more sanitary just because they're across the room from the open, spashing hole in the wall where men pee.
For those of you unfamiliar with the concept of sinks that provide gray water to the flushing toilet:
nice colors. bad idea.
Urinals have to support the "hammered" use case.
The classic parameters for that still include:
– large enough not to miss
– small enough not to fall into and drown
This design fails the former.
Seen them in the county jail house…
makes sense.
No way in a public toilet!
Why can't they use the water used to flush urinals, but not put them in the same place? It just requires extra piping. I've seen enough people to miss to not want these as pictured.
Hmm… For kids it makes sense… And funny too… Can test in schools 🙂
and i dont want to go to the bathroom feeling like im in the middle of a gay pride parade, nothing against gays, i support them, but damn, this is taking it to far
Sink Urinal #greatbandname
Not in my house
Great green idea
Ok. As long as the faucet is motion-activated so people aren't touching it with their hands. I suppose this should be the case for all public faucets but here the visual connection makes it seem extra gross.
Remembering Marcel Duchamp!
very well
I'm usually pretty neurotic about public bathroom cleanliness, but I actually like this idea as long as there are soap and good hand dryers. We need to conserve water.
Great use of Gray Water
This is nothing new for me…… 🙂 and I don't even have a fancy 2 part sink/urinal.
Smart people
Just like prison.
+Joe Beam and you know this because…….. 🙂
Makes you wash.
Not from personal experience +Bob Jewels. Only seen from a safe distance.
Whatever blows your skirt up…or not your pee around.
I'm with +Nathan Dunn. The problem I see is if you're vigorously scrubbing (your hands!), your targeting is going to be way off.
I like it, it's hands free, sensor-activated so won't be touching anything.
remember Johan Vanwelkenhuysen ? 🙂
I can't think of one wrong thing wrong with this idea.
People are grossed out by the idea of two taps occupying approximately the same space.
what if the guy before you pees on the sink handle?
Oh he'll no!
Useless ,nonsense idea to pee and wash hand in same basin
CDC Doctor: "I don't know how I'm going to trace this hepatitis outbreak back to it's original source. Oh well, I've gotta take a whiz…"
it'll most likely only turn on with motion detection… noooobody is going to want to touch that handle
I like the idea… the design, not so much.
A Japanese design has the cistern with a bowl-shaped lid and the fresh water pipe extended up above the cistern.
Flush the toilet and water drops into a small hole in the lid. Put your hands in the flow and the wash and soap goes into the cistern for the next flush.
Anyone who has a problem with that doesn't understand how a toilet works.
Oh great. My hands are wet and I have to zip my pants.
I guess you have to be aware of the proper sequence. 🙂
think of the amount of fecal matter on these faucets. disgusting.
+Andrew Trimmell The faucets are optically triggered. No touching
doesn't matter. one tall guy over urinates into the sink and you have urine all over. definitely cant put one of these in a baseball stadium.
+Bradley Temperley I'm amazed how many people don't get it.
Is it ignorance or jealousy because it's Japanese.
All the people dissing it are American!
+Bradley Temperley I'm amazed how many people don't get it.
Is it ignorance or jealousy because it's Japanese.
All the people dissing it are American!
What does racial have anything to do with it?
What does racial have anything to do with it?
We need more innovative thinking for toilets, sinks, and other sanitary systems.
We need more innovative thinking for toilets, sinks, and other sanitary systems.
The dyson hand dryer. or Air blade.
Good idea, but you'll have American baseball players putting their penises in them.
The dyson hand dryer. or Air blade.
Good idea, but you'll have American baseball players putting their penises in them.
It'll make a nice change from the usual glory holes, then.
Efficiency taken to the extreme?
won't the que be longer?
Less sinks = more room for sinkinals. Or urinks. Or siurinalks. Or whatever.
No that will never work . It is NOT right !!!
Clever! Dear gentlemen now there's no excuse for not washing your hands. Thank you.
You'd think… but given that the presence of a urinal alone isn't enough to make men not pee on the floor, I don't know whether the presence of a sink should alter your expectations.
It'll probably just end up as a bidet.
Wash hands with pee ! Hehehehehehe………….
Is there any antibacterial soap?
Yeah, it's the little yellow cake on the bottom shelf.
Ugh , I suddenly feel the urge to wash my hands with soap !!! I may never touch my iPad again !!! ;))
Why not just skip the middle man and just pee into a sink? Filthy.
Obviously designed by a women whose never seen inside a real men's bathroom, the entire place is wet, the sink should be as far away from the urinal as possible! You could still pipe the waste water from a sink to flush the urinals
I thought the new trend was to further emasculate men and make them sit while peeing anyway.
I've seen this happen during half time rush at every NFL football game; the hand washing-stalls doubling as urinals 🙂
+Tomi Lahcanski I bet this was in Green Bay 🙂
I like efficiency . . . AND colors!
cool…. but where's the soap?
Who washes after using the urinal anymore? Waste of time…
Old Ivy League Joke:
A Harvard and Yale student are in a bathroom. The Yale student finishes and goes to leave when the Harvard students says, "At Harvard, they teach us to wash our hands after we urinate."
The Yale student says, "At Yale, they teach us not to piss on our hands."
Follow up to punchline:
A guy in one of the stalls pipes up, "It doesn't matter. The guy from Dartmouth was just here and pissed in the sink."
Why not add a water fountain feature as well.
A modern Japanese toilet:
Wash your hands with water, wipe on your towel you carry with you, and follow up with pocket hand sanitizer.
+Guy Kawasaki This is how creative mind come up with innovative ideas for what we so called a win win situation! Those who can do that will survive in the long run!