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6 easy ways to lose customers forever

Posted by / November 17, 2013

It's a Deal 3D Words Agreement or Closed Sale

We talk so much about how to keep customers, but not enough about how to lose customers. It’s important to keep these negative lessons in mind because once you lose a customer, you probably lose him or her forever. Here are two things you should desperately avoid:

Talk About Politics or Religion

A little small talk is expected in any transaction, even just checking out at the register, but avoid these two conversational time bombs at all costs. There’s little to be gained from talking about them with people you agree with, and everything to be lost if you butt heads with a client over these topics. If a client brings the topic up, it’s best to be noncommittal while listening politely. In some regions, you should add professional sports to this list as well.

Blame Them for Your Broken Promise

Given how ugly that reads, it’s surprising how many companies try to do this. If your company—or a company you rely on to provide services or support—breaks a promise, own up to the mistake and do everything you can to make it right. People appreciate a sincere apology more than a laundry list of excuses. This is even true if there’s a chance the problem was the customer’s fault. The price of replacing a purchase or giving away a few hours of service is nothing compared to the future value of that customer.

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