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The loneliest whale in the world

Posted by / July 23, 2012


Thoreau wrote that “”If a man loses pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer,” but for one very lonely whale, the problem isn’t so much the pod not understanding his need for individuality as much as not being able to hear its song at all.

Most whales communicate through frequencies between the 15 and 25 Hertz range; the 52 Hertz whale’s vocal sounds come at a frequency more than twice that.

Scientists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute have been tracking the unique beast since 1992 and have discovered that it also tends to take the “road less traveled,” not following the migratory pattern of any other known whales.

Even more sad is that some speculate this could be the last of a species, prowling the ocean in search of a companion it will never find.

Just pass the tissue, now.

Full story at The Mary Sue.

The song that might as well be silence.

Photo credit: Fotolia

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