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15 crazy movie credits

Posted by / August 28, 2012

There are people who make a beeline for the bathroom as soon as movie credits start to roll and people who stick around to see if there are any surprises lurking in the credit scroll. If you’re usually in the latter group except when the large Diet Coke proves much too tempting, you may have caught some of these gems sitting in a dark theater empty of all but the most devoted movie fans.

1. An American Werewolf in London (1981) had an end title congratulating Prince Charles and Princess Diana on their recent wedding.

2. The Beatles’ 1965 film Help! was “dedicated to Elias Howe who invented the sewing machine in 1846.”

3. Political correctness and feminism took hold in Slam Dance (1987). The “best boy” is credited as “best person.”

4. Solomon and Sheba (1959) features a credit for “orgy sequence advisor.”

5. The making of The Cotton Club (1965) involved so much litigation that the credits even included one for the law firm representing the successful litigants.

Full story at Neatorama.

Hidden movie treasures.

Photo credit: Fotolia

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