12 mini-mobile homes for bikes
Posted by staff / October 15, 2012Just because you travel on two wheels doesn’t mean you should have to miss out on all the luxury a mobile home has to offer and, surprisingly enough, Steph at WebUrbanist was able to dig up twelve examples of these abodes in the wonderland we call the Interwebz.
If that’s not enough to make you a happy camper, we don’t know what is.
Burning Man Bike Camper (above)
Built for Burning Man, this camper weighs 100 pounds and is packed with a solar oven and a solar water heating system, and has a wind turbine and solar lights on the exterior.
Little Tag Along by Kevin Cyr
The ‘Little Tag Along’ camper is another design by Kevin Cyr, with the look of a conventional camper shrunk down to bike-size. Pulled by a vintage 3-speed bicycle, Little Tag Along contains the minimum that you’d need to hunker down for the night on a regular basis – just a bed and a little bit of storage space.
Full story at WebUrbanist.
[…] was visiting Alltop.com—which is a great site for entrepreneurs–when I came across 12 mini-mobile homes for bikes. These are great! What a great idea to change up your day. Some of the […]