Guide to Middle Eastern head coverings
Posted by staff / January 28, 2011Can’t tell a hijab from a batula? Well, you’re not alone. With the accessory turning up on streets all over the world more and more often, though, it might be time to take a closer look at the controversial tradition that is the head scarf.
A hijab is a head covering only. It can be worn many different ways including as a simple wrap around, shown here, or Al Amirah style. Regular clothes that cover the arms, shoulders and legs may be worn with the hijab. Women who wear the hijab are Muhajaba, which means they are wearing it for religious purposes.
Often mistaken for a burqa, the niqab fully covers the body, but only partially covers the face, leaving a narrow opening for the eyes. Driving while veiled: now a misdemeanor in France.
Burqas come in many colors and fully cover the wearer, often there is a net window over the eyes so the wearer can see out, but no one can see in.
Full story at Jezebel.
( if you have nice face, nice hair, why cover it up, just don’t understand such logic