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10 new uses for old inventions

Posted by / May 20, 2011


Ever wonder where old inventions go to die? Some go softly into the good night. Others enjoy long lives as they get repurposed or recycled into new products or services

In this article, we’ll look at 10 of these “new-use” inventions. Some items on our list have been around for centuries. Others have been introduced only recently. Almost all of them will astonish you with how radically different their new uses are from their original uses.

  • Gunpowder: But before its big bang as a propelling charge, it started as a substance thought to have medicinal value.
  • Temper Foam: In the 1980s, NASA released its patented formula for visco-elastic polyurethane foam to the public domain. In 1991, Fagerdala World Foams transformed the foam into the Tempur-Pedic mattress.
  • Viagra: Some studies indicate that the drug could be used to treat high blood pressure in the vessels of the lungs.

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