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10 sports for pumpkins

Posted by / October 8, 2011


Nope, this isn’t a seasonal term for couch potato, but actual sports involving fall’s favorite vegetable (or fruit, if you want to get technical), the pumpkin. When not being carved for jack-o-lanterns or squished up for pies, the sporting world has taken a page from the juvenile delinquent handbook and turned squash spoiling into good fall fun. Here’s a sampling of Miss Cellania’s list of ten pumpkin sports to inspire you this spooky season.

1. Pumpkin paddling

Maine has some tough months ahead, so they’ve got to get their outdoor fun in while they still can. In Damariscotta, that means hollowing out a few massive pumpkins and taking to the water. Heaven help you if it doesn’t float.

2. Pumpkin bowling


The above chart is the official set-up for pumpkin bowling as set by the International Pumpkin Federation, just in case you’d like to take this Minnesota New Year’s tradition and make it your own.

According to the Pumpkin Bowling website, the sport is older than the country itself, but we’re guessing they might be stretching a bit:

According to a leading expert on Pumpkin Bowling, the sport had its start at the first Thanksgiving, way back in 1621. Of course, the Pilgrims didn’t have plastic 2-liter pop bottles. So they had to use the old style glass, returnable bottles. They had to watch out for broken glass, but they didn’t plan on returning to Europe, so they knew they wouldn’t be getting their deposits back, anyway.

Full story at Mental Floss via Miss Cellania.

Fun with food.

Photo credit: Fotolia

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