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12 blog blunders and quick fixes

Posted by / February 21, 2013

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If you’re planning to blog for business, it’s absolutely vital to make your site as inviting as possible, but just as you wouldn’t fill your front office with garbage, there are certain tricks to making the best impression possible for virtual visitors, too.

Peg Fitzpatrick has written a tough love list of twelve blunders commonly made on blogs and how to fix them to let the traffic flow like a feng shui masterpiece.

1. No share buttons

I recommend Shareaholic sexy bookmarks or Digg Digg by Buffer depending on your theme.

2. No images for pinning

Hello? It’s 2013. Each post needs a really good photo.

Great article: “The Definitive Guide to Using Images on Your Blog.

3. No social media links

How do you expect people to find you without adding your social media links? Leave breadcrumbs and start connecting!

Full story at 12Most.

Tips for a better blog.

Photo credit: Fotolia

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