A skeptic’s paradise: The website of biblical contradictions
Posted by staff / August 24, 2013 biblical contradictionscontradictionscontradictions in the BibleDaniel G. Taylorfinal authority
Tired of hearing the Bible is the final authority, knowing contradictions exist but blanking on the specific verses that prove your point?
Well, it’s time to say “Hallelujah!” for Daniel G. Taylor, creator of the the interactive website devoted to finding contradictions in the Bible and highlighting some interesting statistics. (And before you ask, “What about the Quran or The Book of Mormon?”, they have those, too.)
Can God do anything? Well, let’s check.
That would be a “No,” but pretty close.
Wait, does that mean God can’t help me in my car?!
Full story at BibViz.
The Bible has played a very sound part in many a walk of life, After spending many years in study of the bible, I did not think it could be superseded, Well interesting, I have been reading a book called More Conversations with GOD , By Neale Donaldson Walsh, It have certainly updated my views of an updated version of GOD’S word in this fantastic dialog with GOD.
It has uplifted me and Kathryn Phillips of the Book Heavenly Inspired; it is out on Amazon,
For download or you may order A copy, My personal spiritual growth has been a very interesting journey and I sincerely hope that people reading this will read the books I have mentioned if they have not done so already, and find their journey improve also Through Love and Light
@Lee – That goes in the “can do” column. God can make a lot of money for scammers like you.
Incredible that someone would put this much effort into finding contradictions in the Bible without seeking to understand the Bible. The answer to the ‘mystery’ of what seems to be contradictions is this: 1 Corinthians 1:18 and 1 Corinthians 2:14 – There are many statements that may SEEM to contradict one another, but when you read with spiritual discernment, they do not. Here’s an example: In 2 Corinthians 7:2, the apostle Paul, (formerly Saul of Tarsus who was tracking down and persecuting early Christians) says in his letter to the Corinthian church; “…receive us we have wronged NO man…” wait, how could he say that after hunting down and bringing about the untimely end of many early Christians? The answer lies in 2 Corinthians 5:17 – “Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a NEW CREATION, old things have passed away and behold ALL is made new.” Paul was making his statement of having wronged no man, based on the fact that his old man (his unregenerate man, dead in sins) had passed away/died on the road to Damascus, after a life-changing encounter with Jesus. I plead with readers and skeptics, please put down your pride for just a moment to (earnestly) ask for God’s grace to understand His word before writing it off as a fable…
Blessings to all (not just those who agree with me) in Jesus’ name.
Bible Contradictions: the Straw Man Fallacy
Jesus of Nazareth is the greatest philosopher of all time — “philosopher” in the sense of “lover of wisdom”. He used the analytical method. His analysis of texts and declarations included the “smallest letter” of each word and even “one stroke of a letter” (Matthew 5:18).
The philosopher Jesus of Nazareth presented the argument that the Bible has no contradictions. From Genesis to Revelation, he argues, the Bible has only true statements (John 17:17; Luke 24:44, 45; Revelation 21: 5). Where there are only true statements, there is no contradiction. One of Jesus Nazareth most famous disciples and a friend of his, the writer John the Evangelist, recorded the logical principle that he had been taught, “no lie originates with the truth” (1 John 2:21). Thus, if the assumptions are true, the conclusion will be necessarily true. Jesus of Nazareth’s argument has the following logical structure:
_1_ does not have_2_
Jesus of Nazareth fills the empty place on the right side of his argument schema with the object consisting of the union (sum, join) of the ordered set of words of the Hebrew language (including some passages in Aramaic) with this ordered set of Greek words. This object — only this object and nothing more than this object — is the Bible. Let’s nominate it by a. He fills the empty place on the left side of his argument structure with any object that someone considers a contradiction. For example, some claim that there is a contradiction between the passage of 2 Samuel 23:8 and the one of 1 Chronicles 11:11. Let it be c such object. In this case, Jesus of Nazareth’s argument presents as follows:
a does not have c
Note that the object a, the Bible has been translated into many other languages — thousands of them, being the most translated set of words in the world. Let’s denote by x any translation of a. Note that, whatever x, a and x are distinct objects. For instance, all x is more recent than a and all x is not written in the same passages in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek of the time of a. Furthermore, a may exist without x, but x cannot exist without a. The object a is absolutely independent of x, nothing that affects a affects x.
The Bible is not a book in Latin, in English or in Chinese. It should be noted that there is not an original Bible and a non-original Bible — as well as there is not an original Koran and a non-original Koran, or an original Tanakh and non-original Tanakh, or an original Iliad and a non-original Iliad. There are translations of these works. Register that there is at least one religious organization that translated the Bible into English and that instead of titling this work Bible or the Holy Bible or Holy Scriptures, titled it, quite honestly, New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. It is a translation. So, people know what they have on their hands. Therefore, he who wants to demonstrate an inconsistency or contradiction in the Bible must discuss the Bible; he who wants to demonstrate an inconsistency or a contradiction in the Iliad must discuss the Iliad. If he discusses a translation, the most he will be able to demonstrate is a contradiction in that translation.
Some people attacked the argument of Jesus of Nazareth and of the School he founded, according to which there are no contradictions in the Bible.
For instance, The Skeptic’s Annotated Bible people defend the thesis that the Bible has many contradictions. It turns out, however, that The Skeptic’s Annotated Bible people are not discussing the object a, the Bible, which the philosopher Jesus of Nazareth held in his argument. The Skeptic’s Annotated Bible people are discussing something completely different, that is, the object b, the translation entitled King James Version. Therefore, this is the argument of Jesus of Nazareth:
a does not have c
While the argument of The Skeptic’s Annotated Bible people is a very different one, that is:
b has c
The argument put forward by Jesus of Nazareth is the same his followers today defend. To succeed in their argument attack, The Skeptic’s Annotated Bible people must demonstrate the following:
a has c
Which they do not.
Notice that The Skeptic’s Annotated Bible people are distorting the argument of Jesus of Nazareth and of the School he founded, in order to affirm that the Bible has contradictions. Indeed, where Jesus of Nazareth and his School put the sentence
a does not have c
The Skeptic’s Annotated Bible people put a different entity, which is this:
b has c
As one can see, they replace the object a by the object b.
With this distortion The Skeptic’s Annotated Bible people change the topic, the subject or the theme of the argument of the discussion of Jesus of Nazareth and his School. In fact, the topic of Jesus of Nazareth and his school is the Bible contradictions, and the topic of The Skeptic’s Annotated Bible is the contradictions of a translation of the Bible, but making believe they are discussing the contradictions of the Bible.
With this distortion, The Skeptic’s Annotated Bible people incur the logical defect called “the straw man fallacy”. “The straw man fallacy is committed when an arguer distorts an opponent’s argument for the purpose of more easily attacking it, demolishes the distorted argument, and then concludes that the opponent’s real argument has been demolished. By so doing, the arguer is said to have set up a straw man and knocked it down, only to conclude that the real man (opposing argument) has been knocked down as well.” (Patrick J. Herley, A Concise Introduction to Logic, 11th edition. International Edition, 2012, p. 129).
Unless The Skeptic’s Annotated Bible people analyze the Bible itself, the object a (and not a translation of it, the object b, as they do) the straw man fallacy remains. Consequently, The Skeptic’s Annotated Bible people do not prove any contradiction in the Bible. They fully and absolutely fail their attack against the philosopher Jesus of Nazareth and his School argument. The Skeptic’s Annotated Bible people argumentation is illogical and unreal.