Alabama abortion bill sparks national outrage
Posted by Josh Taylor / May 18, 2019
Last week, Alabama passed one of the strictest anti-abortion bills in the country, banning abortions in nearly every case and creating the possibility of a 99-year prison sentence for doctors who perform abortions. The move has led to national outrage.
As Slate points out, banning abortion is always unpopular––especially in cases of rape. Alabama’s law, which does not have an exception for rape victims, is bound to be unpopular, even amongst conservatives and pro-lifers.
Among liberals, however, the law is beyond unpopular. Calls to boycott the state have been growing louder. The tag #BoycottAlabama has been trending online, and participants are calling consumers to stop buying everything from chickens to Mercedes-Benz cars that are produced in Alabama.
One woman, who was raped at 13 and forced to get an illegal abortion, called the law an “abomination.” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has said the bill is evidence that the GOP doesn’t care about minorities.
Alabama’s law mirrors several other states’. Last week, Georgia Republican Gov. Brian Kemp signed into a law a bill that prohibits abortions once a fetal heartbeat can be detected, effectively banning abortions after six weeks of pregnancy except in the case of rape, incest, or when the mother’s life is in danger. Alyssa Milano, June Diane Raphael and George Takei all protested the bill before it was signed, and now that it has been signed the Killer Films CEO tweeted, that the company will “no longer consider Georgia as a viable shooting location until this ridiculous law is overturned.”
Last month, the governor of Ohio signed into law one of the nation’s most respective abortion laws––a similar heartbeat bill as that passed in Georgia, but there are noexceptions. An 11-year-old girl was recently impregnated by a 26-year-old man––when the bill is eventually solidified in state law, abo
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