Amazing bike-powered tree house elevator [video]
Posted by staff / September 3, 2013 IdahoSandpointspeed bicycletree house
What’s better than an adult-sized tree house?
A bicycle-powered elevator to get you there!
Meet Ethan Schlussler of Sandpoint, Idaho, who got tired of climbing a ladder to his incredible tree house and decided what better way to get there than on wheels?
“It was originally a 20-something speed bicycle, but first gear wasn’t slow enough, so I cut the large sprocket off the front, and welded it on the rear to get a lower gear. I also had to do away with the de-railers and make a new chain tensioner.”
See, easy as riding a bike.
Check it out:
Full story at Make.
Besides the obvious differences in warmth, lighter jackets and parkas also differ quite a bit in terms of pockets and features. Several of the light down jackets here skimp significantly on the features as a means of saving weight, this is noted in the reviews. On the other side of that spectrum are parkas that are designed for expedition use and are full of features intended to make your life easier in the cold. Many parkas ,for example, feature interior mesh drop-in pockets to warm your frozen gloves and water bottles.
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