Artistic mom makes nap time truly enchanting
Posted by staff / October 24, 2013
Every new mom has heard the advice “Sleep when baby sleeps,” but who has the time?
Rather than doing the dishes, throwing in a load of laundry or, yes, sleeping, Queenie Liao indulges her artistic urges in the most fantastic way, putting her soundly sleeping son Wengenn in a dreamworld created from sheets, scarves and whatever else she can find around the house.
Hey, the laundry will get done eventually, but these moments will fly by before you can say “It’s time for school.”
Full story at Wengenn in Wonderland via My Modern Met.
A rip-off of the original idea from 2010:
I’m not a party here, but when I saw you using “rip-off” I was troubled, and did a bit of Googling. One of the links, I presume honestly the author of Mila’s Daydreams, wrote,
So let’s not let a little inspiration escalate into a flamewar, OK?