Author: staff
Happy Brandy Alexander Day! [infographic]
Posted by staff / January 31, 2013January 31 marks Brandy Alexander Day, the day we celebrate the early 20th-century cocktail made from a creamy mix of brandy, cognac, and creme de cacao. As a virtual cheers to you, we have this rad infographic from “Hire the Barman.” Admittedly, it misspells “preparation” (too many Brandy Alexanders, perhaps?), but it still features some …
Read More20 ways to cut down on plastics use
Posted by staff / January 29, 2013With enough plastic to create an island the size of France choking the world’s oceans, people are starting to sit up and take notice that something needs to be done to cut down on our use of this material of convenience turn conundrum in whatever ways we can. Though many items on this list by …
Read MoreCat vs mouse goes medieval with animal armor
Posted by staff / January 28, 2013Monet at work
Posted by staff / January 26, 2013If you’re familiar with any of the Impressionists, chances are it’s the paintings of Monet that spring to mind, be they of waterlilies or grain stacks imbued with that magical light of which the genre was so fond of capturing. While his paintings are unmistakable, though, how likely is it that you would recognize the …
Read MoreIT problem-solving [flowchart]
Posted by staff / January 21, 2013See, when you get right down to it, they’re just like the rest of us. Full story at The Doghouse Diaries via Geeks are Sexy. IT funnies.
Read More5 NHL players who let it all hang out during the lockout
Posted by staff / January 19, 2013Hockey fans were a dour crowd while waiting for the lockout to end, but certain stars also looked like they were spending a few too many hours on the couch waiting to hit the ice and not enough time paying attention to personal appearances, a surprise considering what dapper gents they’re generally known to be. …
Read More10 strange ways to stay healthy [infographic]
Posted by staff / January 18, 2013We’ve all heard the basics of staying healthy and are drowning in a sea of hand sanitizers and Vitamin C to prove it, but there are also some more unusual (and much more fun ways) of staying healthy in the season of endless sniffles and sneezes. Via Everest College. Staying healthy with infographics.
Read More9 strategies for a successful mindset in the face of stress
Posted by staff / January 16, 2013Having the right mindset is a key component to being successful, but when circumstances beyond our control start to get the better of us, we can start losing focus fast. To keep your sights set on your goals, Heidi Grant Halvorson at Lifehacker has nine strategies successful people use to keep stress under control and …
Read MoreHow to keep daughter’s boyfriend occupied: Make him build a magic igloo
Posted by staff / January 9, 2013Some mothers are more than willing to go the extra mile to make sure their daughter’s boyfriend’s thoughts stay on the straight and narrow, but some are willing to go a whole heck of a lot farther than that to freeze any inappropriate thoughts in their tracks. Brigid Burton of Edmonton, Canada has set a …
Read MoreHow to milk a frog
Posted by staff / January 6, 2013It looks cruel, but Dr. Valerie C. Clark, who studies the chemical defenses of frogs, says this process of milking the glands of a waxy monkey treefrog isn’t as bad as it looks. The Matses Indians of the Peruvian Amazon gently scrape the secretions from the head and legs of the frog and release it …
Read MoreRetro posters add charming twist to Star Wars galactic travel
Posted by staff / January 3, 2013Just in case you needed any more enticement to lose yourself in the Star Wars series, artist and illustrator Steve Thomas has an incredible collection of posters rendered in a classic travelogue style that almost makes sleeping under the light of the Death Star look appealing. Full story at Steve Thomas Art via Neatorama. A …
Read More25 bits of sledding trivia
Posted by staff / December 29, 2012Of all winter’s leisuretime activities, sledding easily seems the most straightforward, requiring only a something to sit on, snow and a slope, but as Erin McCarthy of Mental Floss discovered when she did some digging in the mounds of sledding history, there’s more to it than meets the eye. Toboggans 1. The word toboggan comes …
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