Author: staff
Instagram icon as real life camera
Posted by staff / May 9, 2012Say cheese! Now crop, filter, and post online. Snapping photographs has evolved from the days of photographic plates and film. With camera phones in the pockets of most people, everyone seems to have embraced their inner Ansel Adams. A whole slew of photography applications, including the billion dollar Instagram, has also accelerated the iPhotographer movement. …
Read MoreIntricate musical artwork is music to the eyes
Posted by staff / May 8, 2012Part of the beauty of a great piece of music is the images or emotions it brings to mind, but artist Erika Iris Simmons has gone one step further and made the music itself the medium for her artwork. As Katie Hosmer at My Modern Met explained: For these pieces that she calls Paperworks, Simmons …
Read MoreWWIII propaganda posters
Posted by staff / May 2, 2012Could the fight for internet freedom spark the world’s next major conflict? Consider the consequences of the crackdown on web freedoms in the Middle East, China’s Great Firewall, and legislation like SOPA and CISPA, and you might find an answer. Briiiiian prepares for the battle with a series of WWIII propaganda posters reimagined for the …
Read MoreBertrand Russell’s 10 commandments of teaching
Posted by staff / May 2, 2012In the December 16, 1951 issue of the New York Times, British philosopher/logician/ mathematician/historian (a quadruple thought leader threat) Bertrand Russell shared his ten commandments of teaching. Do not feel absolutely certain of anything. Do not think it worth while to proceed by concealing evidence, for the evidence is sure to come to light. Never …
Read MoreBone marrow transplant stalls autism disorder
Posted by staff / May 2, 2012Researchers have used bone marrow transplants to halt the symptoms of Rett syndrome, an autism-spectrum disorder, in mice. “Everything we found in the mouse models for Rett may have implications for other neurological disorders which may or may not be on the autistic spectrum,” says study leader Jonathan Kipnis, of the University of Virginia. Full …
Read MoreFriends’ watchful parents curb teen drinking
Posted by staff / May 2, 2012The parents of teenagers’ friends have as much impact on their decisions about drinking and drugs as their own parents. “I think that it empowers parents to know that not only can they have an influence on their own children, but they can also have a positive influence on their children’s friends as well,” says …
Read MoreWine glass chess set
Posted by staff / May 1, 2012In a chess drinking game, bottoms up replaces checkmate. Designed by Anders Nordby. Via Today and Tomorrow. Cheers to wine.
Read MoreWhat’s your Shakespeare insult name?
Posted by staff / May 1, 2012Insults go high-brow renaissance with the “What Did Shakespeare Call You?!” chart. Try it out, you droning beetle-headed harpy. Way classier than yo mama jokes. Via Michigan Shakespeare Festival. Add some culture to your life by reading a book.
Read MoreThe Kama Sutra of sleep [comic]
Posted by staff / May 1, 2012Let’s face it; not many of us have the time or inclination (or flexibility) to explore the Kama Sutra with its original intention, so for the rest of us there’s The Kama Sutra for Sleeping Couples from It might not be as titillating, but it sure is easier to do with the kids sleeping …
Read MoreTurn your sneakers into slip-ons!
Posted by staff / April 30, 2012For those of you that hate tying (or tripping over) your shoelaces, behold Hickies! The clever colourful straps transform your sneakers into slip-on shoes. If you’re into the idea, you can back their project on Kickstarter. Via Swiss Miss. More awesome designs.
Read MoreHow to design the best business card [infographic]
Posted by staff / April 30, 2012A well-designed business card can help boost your business and brand awareness. For example, have you ever wondered why some business cards get saved while others do not? What makes a potential client pay attention to a business card over all the others? Perhaps it’s the person giving the card, or the product/service they provide. …
Read MoreScientists turn scar tissue into heart muscle
Posted by staff / April 30, 2012A new process that turns scar tissue that forms after a heart attack into heart muscle cells could eliminate the need for stem cell transplant. “This is a significant finding with many therapeutic implications,” says Duke University researcher Victor J. Dzau. “If you can do this in the heart, you can do it in the …
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